The tool you need to offer easier and more affordable improvement loans to your customers

With our financing options, you can sell more with the same effort you put in today!


Join our network

Your collaboration will not only drive your gains but also leave a positive legacy for future generations. Join us and make a difference!

Expand Horizons

Network with solar pros, lift opportunities, reach new heights.

Streamline Financing

Ease solar funding, affordable solutions, smooth transactions.

Expert Help

Solar experts guiding you on decisions to achieve business goals.

Expand Your Solar Offerings and Maximize Your Profits!

Connect to our extensive network of solar financiers and secure more resources for your clients.

With a streamlined and efficient process, save time and boost your sales, while our specialized team ensures personalized service backed by cutting-edge technology. Be a solar champion with innovative results!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Eos a bank, a distributor, or contractor?

None of them, we are a technology platform that connects you to the best credit option available for your profile. The connection is made with banks, finance companies and funds interested in this type of credit.

What is the maximum available term at Eos?

120 months, but – as we connect the main financial solutions in the country on a platform, we have a wide range of terms and, eventually, we may have even longer terms than this soon.

As an end customer, distributor, or contractor, do I need to pay anything to Eos?

No, we are only paid by funders.

What types of projects does Eos finance?

Residential, commercial, industrial and rural.

What can I finance with Eos?

Your entire solar project: Equipment and services.

Discover the future with EOS

Our purpose is to unlock access to renewable energy. We were born to connect these companies and their customers to the best financial solutions available in the market. We are not a bank, fund, or financial institution. We are not installers/contractors. We are not equipment distributors. We are also not just a software company.

We are a platform that connects and optimizes all these points.

Your new partner
in Financing!

Our vision is to help you make homeowners lives better by making their financing choices easier and more affordable